Forrester Webinar: The Path to a Successful WAN Transformation

Webinar Overview 


Businesses undergo digital transformation to become leaner, faster and more competitive. The enterprise WAN is a critical pillar of this transformation and must support agile operation, cloud migration, and an expanding mobile workforce.

But what exactly does this WAN transformation mean for IT, and what architectures and capabilities are available to support this fundamental change in the way business is conducted? 

Join us in our upcoming webinar featuring Andre Kindness, Principal Analyst of Forrester Research and Eyal Webber-Zvik, Vice President of Product Marketing at Cato Networks, and learn:

  • The business and technical drivers for WAN transformation
  • The architectures that can deliver optimal and secure connectivity to all users and applications
  • The pros and cons of a converged architecture vs. Integration of point solutions
  • How Cato’s converged SD-WAN and Network Security platform enables the WAN transformation journey
  • Common use cases and customer case studies of successful WAN transformation 

Presented by


Andre Kindness

Andre serves IT Infrastructure & Operations Professionals. He is a leading expert on enterprise network operations and architecture. His research focuses on networking technology and strategy--such as software defined networking and network function virtualization--for private cloud, remote locations, and hybrid cloud


Eyal Webber-Zivk

Eyal Webber-Zvik is Cato Networks’ Vice President of Product Marketing. Previously, Eyal ran Cato’s product management organization where he helped build the Cato platform. Eyal brings more than 20 years of experience in security and networking companies.