5 Things SASE Covers and SD-WAN Doesn’t

Webinar Overview 

SD-WAN lacks five critical capabilities that can seriously impact IT’s ability to deliver the level of networking and security enterprises demand. Luckily Gartner’s SASE (Secure Access Service Edge) takes up where SD-WAN left off. 

Join Eyal Webber-Zvik, Cato’s VP of Product Marketing, and Elana Marom, Director of Product Marketing, to explore: 

  • The five critical shortcomings of SD-WAN and the impact these limitations have on the digital business  
  • Why Gartner emphasizes convergence and claims SASE is the ideal architecture for supporting the modern enterprise  
  • How Cato’s SASE platform addresses the five key shortcomings of SD-WAN, empowering IT to deliver a network that supports businesses, today and in the future 

Presented by


Eyal Webber-Zvik

Vice President of Product Marketing

Previously, Eyal ran Cato's product management organization where he helped build Cato. He brings more than 20 years of experience in security and networking companies.


Elana Marom

Director of Product Marketing

Elana Marom is a full stack marketer with over 20 years of experience in both startups and enterprises. As Director of Product Marketing at Cato Networks, Elana is passionate about raising awareness for SASE and helping customers leverage its value to prepare their business for whatever is next.