5 Things SASE Does that SD-WAN Can't

Webinar Overview  

SD-WAN and SASE are often compared, but they’re not the same. While SD-WAN can help IT teams build a better, modern enterprise network, it has several limitations that SASE overcomes.  

SD-WAN’s shortcomings need to be considered and weighed against organizational needs so enterprises can make better, smarter, and more strategic choices when it comes to their technology investments. 

Join our webinar, hosted by Eyal Webber-Zvik, VP of Product Marketing and Strategic Alliances at Cato Networks, as he discusses the five key areas where SASE outperforms SD-WAN, and what this means for enterprise network transformation strategies. 

What you’ll learn: 

  • The security shortfalls of SD-WAN versus SASE’s robust security capabilities 
  • What solution really can replace MPLS 
  • What SASE can do for remote users and clouds that SD-WAN can’t 
  • Why SD-WAN won’t cut costs or save you money, and how SASE will 

Who should attend? 

  • IT Executives 
  • Network and Security Teams 
  • IT Managers 
  • Transformation Office Leaders 

Presented by


Eyal Webber-Zvik

Vice President of Product Marketing

Eyal Webber-Zvik is Cato’s Vice President of Product Marketing. In his role, Eyal manages a global team of product marketing directors that are tasked with driving the company's messaging, position, press and media relations, and more. Previously, Eyal ran Cato's product management organization, translating Cato's SASE vision into a global, successful cloud service. Throughout his years at Cato Networks, Eyal has been involved in dozens of SASE projects across various enterprises and markets. Eyal has more than 20 years of ICT experience in engineering, product management and product marketing.