NIS 2 is coming. Are You Ready?

Webinar Overview  

The Network and Information Security (NIS) 2 directive reshapes cybersecurity in post-COVID-19 Europe. It supersedes NIS 1 by introducing new security and infrastructure requirements for EU companies delivering critical services and, for the first time, includes new measures that hold C-suite executives personally liable for requirement infringements. 

Member States must adopt NIS 2 by October 17th, 2024, enforcing it for Essential and Important Entities.  

Join Andrea Napoli, CISSP, Product Marketing Manager, in our upcoming webinar, where he will cover the following: 

  • NIS2: Understand the new directives and their organizational impacts
  • Navigating NIS 2: Learn how to navigate NIS2 by adopting a cybersecurity blueprint like the NIST Cyber Security Framework.  
  • Complying with NIS 2: Explore how SASE can help your organization meet NIS 2 obligations and fill your security gaps reliably and quickly.  


Presented by


Andrea Napoli

CISSP, Product Marketing Manager at Cato Networks