The Platform Makes All the SASE Difference

Webinar Overview  

For decades, security professionals have addressed changes in business requirements and the threat landscape with what they deemed as the appropriate “point solution”. The so called “best of breed” approach came with significant costs. It increased pressure on IT security budgets, people, and resources and skills, resulting in  a corresponding decline in business agility and responsiveness. Something had to change. 

Secure Access Service Edge (SASE) represents the vision of a new security platform that transforms how IT can continuously secure and optimize the business, reduce complexity, and drive better outcomes. 

Join our webinar, led by Yishay Yovel, Chief Strategy Officer at Cato Networks to learn: 

  • What makes security platforms essential for so many enterprises today? 
  • What are the key pillars of a comprehensive SASE platform? 
  • What are the functional, operational, commercial, and even personal impacts created by deploying a true SASE platform?
  • What are customers experiencing after deploying SASE in their organizations? 

Key Takeaways: 

  • Understand the evolution from point solutions to platform-driven security. 
  • Learn how SASE platforms streamline IT operations, enhancing productivity and agility. 
  • Explore the concept of "effortlessness" in IT and its significance for business success. 

Who Should Attend?   

  • IT Executives 
  • Network and Security Architects 

Don't miss this opportunity to gain insights into the future of networking and security.  

Presented by


Yishay Yovel

Chief Strategy Officer at Cato Networks